Monday 17 February 2014

WIP Goblin head

The Project I'm currently working on a little goblin that can be seen for a brief 10 seconds in the Hobbit an unexpected journey, so far just a head however in a few weeks i should have a small goblin complete with a body. The head still needs some work but will soon be cast in silicone ready for painting and hair punching as well as attaching the glass eyes I'm currently working on.

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Close up of the Handyman.

Completed (almost) Handyman

Handyman all pieces sculpted using super sculpey molded and cast in resin then painted by me as well as the clothing that i still need to tweak, LED in heart chamber with switch. Still need to put more work into this re-painting some sections and adding more detail.

Tom Hardy Portrait

Tom Hardy portrait WIP A3 Bristol board just using a mechanical pencil at the moment. Still in the early stages of drawing...many more hours to go.

WIP Handyman

WIP of my handyman project body and head sculpted in Super Sculpey with a clear resin heart chamber that will be lit with an amber LED.


Quick Halloween makeup i did for a friend using cheap £1.50 supermarket face paint. Next time ill try and get my hands on some better makeup so i can do a proper job. 

Thanos Sculpt

Marvel character Thanos bust sculpture, Super Sculpey over wire armature.

Alien close up

Closeup of alien head.

Alien head

Fully sculpted Alien head in clay with black bead eyes this head sculpt is quite large and very heavy.

Alien concept drawing.

Aye-aye skeleton

Painted Aye-aye skeleton still needs some work and weathering.

WIP Aye-aye

Quick uni turbo project Aye-aye skeleton made from chemi-wood wired together. 

Drive on canvas

Drive poster acrylic painting on canvas.

Scarlett Johansson

Fist attempt at oil painting, Scarlett Johansson on canvas. This one took a long while as it was my first oil painting i didn't really know what to do so there was alot of trail and error, eventually after allot of thin layers and long drying time i got this.

Demonic Armour

Custom Tattoo inspired skull shoes, Copic markers on white slip-on vans. I plan to do many more of these custom shoes with different designs from films and TV as well as more of my own original designs.

Katie Perry Portrait

Katie Perry Portrait A3 smooth Bristol board.

Jared Leto portrait

Actor and singer Jared Leto, portrait i did at the age 16. Various pencils on smooth A3 Bristol board, took around 20 hours as i kept adding bits as well as re shading areas to add deeper levels of tone.